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Rhonda Eudaly. You can comment here or
A couple of weeks ago, my day job office hosted a high-speed rail meeting, which reminded me of the pens I bought for my dad and myself at Daiso for Christmas stockings. These are bullet train pens with LED lights in the car. His was red. Mine is green - for obvious reasons. Because they are from Daiso, they were super inexpensive which I love in a novelty pen. These are adorable, somewhat functional, and just cute. This pen has been sitting on my desk since that meeting because…why not. But maybe it’ll stay home now.
This sucker is long. It’s not quite 7.25″ inches long with the cap on and just under 7.0″ with the cap off. The cap does not post. There’s nothing really to post to. It’s wider than one would normally be comfortable with - but, come on, we’re not getting this pen to write novels with. The train barrel is white with green window panes. When you look at the ends from the top, it kind of has faces. The LED lights have an on/off switch and do cycle through all the colors in the grip but it’s mostly green through the windows.
The point tapers to a round clear plastic grip that makes it not horribly uncomfortable in a rectangular train shape. The ink is a fine point black ball point ink with a stainless-steel point. The ink flows well and has a smooth action. It writes really well for something that should be more awkward than it is.
The Numbers.
1. How does it work? - 0.5 - It’s better than I expected. The flow of ink is nice. It’s not super comfortable but come on…it’s not supposed to be.
2. Look and feel - 0.5 - It’s not bad for a novelty pen. It’s long and has a weird shape with a ridge, but not as a huge detriment to the writing experience.
3. Material - 1 It’s a fun novelty pen. It’s plastic but has a decent point and workable flashing lights. I
4. Overall Design - 1 - It’s an awesome high-speed rail pen has fun lights. It is what it is.
5. Price Point - 1 This was at DAISO right around Christmas and somewhere between $1.50 and $3.00 because…DAISO.
4 out of 5 bronze pencils.