[Writer Post] Professionalism Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

Dec 03, 2014 16:49

Originally published at Rhonda Eudaly. You can comment here or there.

Once more into the breach of Professionalism, really, folks, it’s not just for breakfast anymore. This was a new thing to me and was just… RUDE. I did a very, very small show this past weekend in East Texas. The upshot was I did meet some new folks and was able to spend a little time with Joe and Kasey Lansdale.

This was a SMALL show. About 15-20 authors set at tables in a rectangle along the perimeter of an open room - used to be one of those classic one-room schoolhouses. When I got there, some of the authors were setting up. I brought everything, but after one look at the room, I decided to not put up the tall banner - no one else had anything tall, and there wasn’t a lot of room behind the table (even though I had a corner). There’s a fine line between “Hey, check out the books” and “LOOK AT ME!!!!”

Apparently a small group of authors there were part of a cooperative or publishing group or something. They were situated in the three or four tables up from me. The woman next to me never introduced herself. The woman in charge of group didn’t like the way my neighbor set up her table - so the Head Woman rebuilt the neighbor’s table with a 2 foot tall wire rack with a 2 foot cardboard something on the top level and a cardboard display on the floor.

The wire rack was covered in cloth and angled toward the door to completely block any line of sight anyone might’ve had to my table from the other end of the room (or door). The floor display blocked access to half my books - so I had to redesign my table. And yes, I then put up the big floor banner (in the corner).

I made a passive-aggressive comment about standing up for most of the day. The woman didn’t even blink when she replied, “Well, you do that at these kinds of things anyway.” SERIOUSLY? Oh, and the neighbor? Had her grandson with her and he apparently spilled part of a beverage on the corner of my table (fortunately not on my iPad or books), but did stain my table cover - and PROBABLY swiped some of my promotional stuff (which if he’d asked I would’ve given).

Now, the overall vibe was welcoming - except for this particular group of women. And I’m not saying there’s anything WRONG with building up a table (Yard Dog does it all the time - comic book shows do it all the time), but you DON’T block line of sight to your neighbors. You don’t make it so the other authors can’t sell books, and you don’t make it so another author wants to find out who you are SO THEY NEVER WORK WITH YOU AGAIN.

It’s Wheaton’s Law. It’s the Church of Don’t Be an A-Hole. We’re all in this together.

don't be a jerk, professional, wheaton's law, professionalism, writing, writer

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