Christmas Break 2005!!!

Dec 20, 2005 20:16


I am one semester away from completing my undergraduate degree. Isn't that funny. My major is Religion and Philosophy. The other day a classmate asked me why I didn't double major in Christian Ministries or in Biblical Literature - my response was that I didn't want to "muddy" things up; I suppose that is true, but I should have been more honest and told him that I wanted to major in Religion and Philosophy, and not in Christian Ministries (Biblical Literature would be interesting but if had to choose between R&P and Bib Lit, R&P would win every day, every way).

I have been doing really well in school these past few semesters; 3.94 and a 3.92. Church History I and II stopped me from having that perfect 4.0. I have never had a 4.0 and it would be nice to acheive one before I get out of here. My last chance is this next and last semester; the pressure is on.

My grades really aren't that important. Grades are kind of like cheerleaders; I could live without them as easily as I have with them.

I have also been thinking alot about the Triune Godhead lately; the kind of thinking that tries to keep you up at night when you are trying to fall asleep. I have been reading out of Genesis, Matthew, the Psalms, and Proverbs lately. All of those are intersting - of them Matthew is the most uninteresting (no offense to the author or the Holy Spirit). Its just a simple matter of fact that I find Genesis and the wisdom literature more intersting than the Gospel according to Matthew. However, if it were the Gospel according to Luke and John, well that would be a very different story.
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