OOC: Meme

Mar 02, 2009 19:05

Stalking is illegal. returntoeven confronts 123youreit.

123youreit is stalking returntoeven123youreit's REAL name :Marjorie Hodgkiss123youreit's REAL DOB :14th May 1976Height :150 cmWeight : 65.3 kg123youreit has dreamt about you : 29 times 123youreit became interested in you : 01st July 2007123youreit's latest dream about you You are stranded with 123youreit on a deserted island and your stalker is trying to coax you towards sex by hoarding all of the food and refusing to give you any until you give in to their wishes.This is how 123youreit describes your relationship behind your back 'returntoeven phoned the police on me again last night. I'm going to go around tonight and finish him off with my hunting knife.'123youreit's been stealing stuff from your house too. 123youreit enjoys collecting returntoeven's dead pets for a living.They've even started modifying their body for you 123youreit had their nipples pierced to show you the true depths of their neverending love for you.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines We'll be together some day sweetheart. Until then here is part of my fucking tongue. Put it in the freezer. I might need it back someday.

The Police No. calls to the police : 28 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Hello look this is a bit embarassing, I have a stalker who keeps trying to climb over our perimeter fencing and they seem to have become impaled on it again. Could you please send someone over to check it out? Thanks."123youreit's Police File 123youreit makes Mark Champman look well-adjusted.

Testimonies about 123youreit
Modesto Somers - Brainless patriot

'I've been friends with 123youreit all of my life and I know all of this is bullshit. returntoeven is such a drama queen.'

Isela Proud - Geek isn't the word

'Boring. I know returntoeven and 123youreit really love each other. They are both just seeking attention. Just get married and stop the fucking games already! Jesus!'

Sharan Rothkoph - Worships the sun

'Ahhh none of this is new to me. returntoeven's been telling me about 123youreit's antics for ages now. I don't honestly know why he has put up with it for so long.'

Fredrick Thompson - Wide-load

'Are you serious? Fucking hell. I should've known. Something tells me that 123youreit is going to die pretty shortly.'

meme, ooc

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