A new life has begun...

Aug 20, 2009 12:00

It's now 2 months since my last post.

Oh, how life can change...

Danny decided he 'couldn't deal with having a boyfriend right now.'

I cried and snotted all over my phone. He had no emotion. That just made me angry.

I guess I have to say that it's better off this way... We're in two very different places in our lives.

So I'm coping quite well, actually. I'll never tell him that, but I really am. I still have no desire to talk to him. That won't change for a while. I just want my key back...

I went to Hawaii. Though it was overshaddowed by the 'break' he put us on, I had an amazing time. I got ridiculously sunburnt. But with some extra sun the next 2 weeks, I came out with probably my first ever decent summer tan! That was really exciting. Also, it was freaking Hawaii. I couldn't live there, but I'm all about spending another week there at some point. Just at a less expensive time/hotel :-P

Another Summer change... I've been going to the gym everyday after work. Like seriously everyday. I mean, I've missed here and there because of a special event or something, but yeah, everyday. June 1, I weighed in at 199lbs. That was horrific. Today, August 20, almost 3 months later, I'm at 185! I haven't done anything drastic, just gym everyday for increasing amounts of time, and I now try to limit what I eat. I wouldn't exactly call it a diet though. I mean, I've tried to healthy-ize my meals on the whole, but I won't not eat if there's only like fried chicken or something. No, I've just limited how much I eat: Maybe 2 small snacks during the day (consisting of like a dixie cup of goldfish or pretzels), a small lunch, and a medium dinner. Also, no food after 9pm, which is a lot tougher that I would have thought and if there's any new rule I've broken the most, it's this one, but even saying that, it doesn't happen that often at all.

Like I said, it's really not a drastic change to my habits, and nothing like diet pills or medical or whatever, and I've done 14lbs in 3 months(-10 days). Not only do I feel more in shape, but I also have a lot more energy in doing things. Like moving Ben's stuff into his house last night. Old/fat me would not have had the energy to be in that sauna of a house and life the shit that we did. It wasn't all that much, but I still would have had a hard time. But I didn't. Despite it being like a sweaty nutsac, I was all ready and able to do whatever moving and/or lifting was needed. I also have much more stamina in things like sex. I won't go into a lot of detail, but let's just say my technique has considerably improved because I now have the energy to keep going for longer.

Speaking of sex, I got some last night! I've started casually dating while I screen for the next boyfriend. I've never enjoyed being single. But now that I'm single, doing my own thing, have money, and of age, I think that might have changed. I still crave the stability of a long-term relationship, but I'm okay with going on dates and having fun for now. I've already had 2 disaster encounters, one 'okay' date, and made one amazing guy friend that likes to fool around in addition to hanging out. I'd say things are going pretty well at the moment. Even the disasters have given me much needed perspective on who I am and what I'm really looking for.

I'm still looking to move out into a place of my own. Unfortunately, all of my friends are either strapped for cash or are 'content with staying at home for now.' I think I'm going to resort searching the internet for someone who wants a roommate and who wants to move into or very near to Bayside. I wouldn't agree to anything blindly, but moving in with a 'new friend' is more desirable than staying at home. I just hate that I'm dependant on getting a roommate, 'cause I couldn't afford a 1 br in that area at all. Ah well, time will tell, I suppose.

Also, on the topic of cash, I got an amazing raise at work recently. 14%. I started with a very decent salary that I was very happy with as a starting salary. Not grossly overpaid, but still more than I know a lot of other people my age are getting. And then at a 14% raise to that? My first raised paycheck should be this Monday. Needless to say, I'm freakin' stoked.

I think that may be a decent update for now. Perhaps I'll actually do this on a regular basis again? We'll just have to wait and see, now won't wa?


ps- I need some new icons... anyone wanna make some for me? :-D
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