Presidential Childhood...

Jan 16, 2007 03:22

So I downloaded the show Jack & Bobby.

It gets me really angry that they cancelled it. It was a really good show. Like really good.

I can see how it maybe didn't hit the demographics they were looking for : every episode was heart wrenching, every one dealt with pretty big issues, and the main character seemed to fall into every pit put in front of him, only to get himself out of it in the end. But it was so real.

I'm through 10 episodes of the 22 and I love them all.

The 10th one is my all-time favorite. It deals with "Jack"'s friend who commits suicide. I've seen it 3 times now, I think, and each time I can't help but start balling. I can't make it though watching this kid whose been so strong through the whole episode, just completely break down in the last 10 minutes. Maybe I'm just that empathetic, or maybe it's just portrayed that well, but it hits me so hard. I can't get over it.

There's something about seeing young boys be so defeated and so broken down that makes me feel so much. In another episode, Bobby witnesses the girl he's seeing kissing another guy. The next scene is Jack struggling to hold him up as he's frantically trying to break the vinyl record she gave him. I feel so close to that. And for the first time in my life I can say that without the "I don't know why, but" phrase. Because there, I have been. I've hit that breakdown point, as I know many other people have. I hit that when I was that young too. And it's happened since. For once, I can watch a show and a situation and characters that I completely relate to. Not because I know people like that, or because I know stories about situations of the kind, but because I've actually lived these situations. These feelings I'm pulling from my own experiences, not other peoples'. That really means something to me. It makes me wish that a heartfelt letter with all this written in could convince television executives and producers that this was a good concept and should be continued, even 2 years later.

But alas, I am not that naiive. Tomorrow I shall go on to watch more of this amazing show, and hope that they knew it was being cancelled before they finished the final episode. Hopefully, the last one will have some type of closure to what's going on.

Goodnight all, and Jess, if you read this, your special present is in! Call/text/email me if/when you wanna come over to get it!

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