Do you tend to make friends easily? Why/why not?

Aug 26, 2006 11:56

Do you tend to make friends easily? Why/why not?

I make friend easily depending on your definition of the word friend. If it means someone I hang out with, go to parties with and drink with. Yes. Then I make friends daily, I have plenty of friends and I make friends like it’s going out of style.

Unless you change that definition. If a friend is someone you trust with just about everything. If it’s someone you’d do anything for, someone you’d live and die for. If a friend is someone you need more than you need air or water then no. If that’s your definition of a friend I don’t make them easily. I have plenty of people around me daily who call themselves friends and I’m not even sure I like them. They cling to me and my name and the idea that if they call themselves friend then it somehow makes them better than other people. They aren’t.

There are three people in my entire life that I’ve ever let see more of me than what the world gets. One of them is dead - and related to me by blood but I still think it counts. It’s not like the word sibling means anything anymore. But Lilly was different; she was my best friend, my confidant and my protector. Lilly was everything. The other two are obviously Veronica and Logan. From the days when things were simple to the days when they were so hard I nearly begged for someone to shoot me to end the pain; it didn’t matter. They were still the most important people to me and the people who knew me best.

The definition makes all the difference.

Muse: Duncan Kane
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Word Count: 276
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