Title: untitled
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: various.
Rating: PG-R
Warnings: AU, possibly OOCness, crack pairings.
Word Count: varies
Summary: It's a small world, the fashion industry.
Notes: A series of drabbles/ficlets inspired by a simple drabble that turned into much more. Currently 21 ficlets, using some prompts from
31_days. Featuring model!Yukimura, model!Fuji, designer!Tezuka, designer!Echizen, designer!Niou, CEO!Atobe, fashion editor!Sanada, photographer!Marui, PA!Yanagi, PA!Inui, and many more, I'm sure. Linked in the order they are best read in; Arabic numerals are the prompt number from the prompt table complied by a friend; Roman numerals are the order in which they were written.
001. back in style. (002, iii)
002. a commotion of two. (006, vi)
003. take and give. (014, v)
004. interesting life. (003, xv)
005. inquires into a life. (013, xvi)
006. black book. (019, ii)
007. a little taste of power. (012 i)
008. moods never change. (001, iv)
009. only a small party. (008, vii)
010. addictions of the connoisseurs. (020, xvii)
011. know your enemies. (011, xxi)
012. an image to burn beneath your eyelids. (other prompt)
013. in your mind, lies. (015, xviii)
014. only a thank you. (007, xii)
015. habits hardly change. (010, xx)
016. an artistic idea. (005, xiii)
017. just searching. (016, xi)
018. it's a small world. (004, x)
019. snow on the mountain. (018, viii)
020. winter nights. (017, ix)
021. fade to black. (009, xiv)
(model!au, first prompt table, more details when not going to be late for work)