LAN and steaks. Is there anything better? I'm certain there is, but I'll be damned if my sex-ed teacher will tell me what it is.
No, but seriously. Saturday is when I'm considering hosting my LAN (and probably steak) party--my house (5526 Edgewater Blvd, all the hot stalkers should be taking notes) will be availible, and my grill (small concrete spot near the alley, 5526 Edgewater Blvd.) will be hot. Games played will be CS:Source, FEAR Multiplayer (Called FEAR Combat if you're curious--If you've never heard of this game, don't worry. You can get it legally at my house with no troubles at all), Dawn of War (Maybe, or maybe not, depending on how well we can rip it off), UT2004, and maybe a BF. (Also, feel free to suggest/bring a game with you, but make sure you have a way to get it to all of us.) It starts at Noonish, and will end whenever you all pack up and leave. (I have nowhere to be, so you can stay all night if you like). Ange may also bring his PS2 if I give him oral sex and it's good enough, so if you have an extra controller, I have a couple of fun games for you.
I NEED YOU TO COMMENT OR CALL IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON ATTENDING. I will be planning meals for whoever shows up, which include steak, burgers, and potatoes, and I'll need to know what to buy and for how many.
My phone number is 952-240-8991. Expect me to start calling all of you tomorrow and whoring myself out for phone numbers, specifically for Frax and Stefan. (Does anyone know if they're in town? Also, Ange, can you call Josh and see if he's in?)
Also, the Router situation needs to be addressed. My router has 4 slots. I am one person. That means after 3 people sign on to this pop stand, we need to work out a second router. Additionally, if enough people come, I will need to move some people into another room, so we'll need an additional router for that. (Unless people have very, very long cables).
A working computer. (Mmm...) Your computer doesn't need to be top of the line, but it should be able to support the games we're playing. If it can't, I really can't help you. Windows machine is manditory, should run at least 2 gHz and should probably have at least 512 RAM. Video cards, you'll have to check on the system requirements for the individual games.
Headphones. (This one's a biggie).
A LAN cable and a power strip. BRING YOUR OWN. I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FOR YOU.
10 dollars. (For a steak or pizza if I get lazy at the last second).
YOUR FRIENDS! LANs get better as they get larger, so bring as many friends as you want, but MAKE SURE you let me know who you're bringing. Remember the ground rules--no booze, no drugs, all guns pointed at the ground except during combat, and you keep your snake in your pants around my tender anus.
Also, Inez, I need your phone number again. Then I can CALL YOU. AND STUFF.