Sleepy Hollow: The One That Isn't "Fallen"

Jan 13, 2014 21:11

* I love the twist on the classic "the call is coming from inside the house" trope.

* Jenny really is growing on me as a character. I love her internal conflict over wanting to help Macy, her shame over her possession, and her actions to help Abbie. I think she may become my favorite character at this rate.

* Good old salt. So useful.

* And the call from inside the house trope continues, in the creepiest way possible. Yikes.

* I think this is the first time we've ever seen the characters really fail at the worst and most important juncture. As horrible as it is, it's kind of a relief to know this will happen and the show will go on.

* Holy crap, this is the most horrific they've ever gone. Jebus! Still cheese-o, of course, but shocking nonetheless.

* I think my new OTP for this show is Ichabod/Abbie/Jenny/awesome.

* the lamp looks more like a cheese grater than a destroyer of evil.

* Is this the Michigan Militia? In any case, I think Crane may be the best equipped to dialogue with a bunch of conspiracy theory survivalist gun nuts. Where's Jenny during the scene? Oh, being all BAMF, I see.

* HOLY CRAP: "seven years ago, I invaded you." D:

* Holy crap AGAIN! That was some majorly crazy shit!

* OK, after that, everyone needs a beer. Or shawarma. Or something!

* HISTORY! @_@;;;;;;;;

Next week: two-hour-season finale! OMG!

tv shows: sleepy hollow, fannish babblery

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