Sleepy Hollow: "Sanctuary"

Nov 26, 2013 07:35

I didn't liveblog the episode last night because I wanted to give it my full attention, and this was definitely a good idea. I was just horrifically disappointed at all the commercials. I think the show as a whole would have been better and spookier if Black Friday hadn't reared its ugly head every seven minutes. :(

1) I think the revelation about Crane's son makes good sense. Katrina had a lot of secrets, and Crane, although a kind and well-meaning man, had his fingers in a lot of pies, perhaps too many to notice that his wife was acting strangely. As to what happened to that baby, I have several theories, but I suspect that I should stick with the more PG ones, because this is a mainstream network, not premium cable.

2) I love a good haunted house story, and this episode was great for that, conveying a sense of claustrophobia and putting both of our heroes to the test.

3) I'm eager to see where the B-plot with Irving's daughter goes, especially because it gives Jenny a sense of something to do, rather than just hanging around on the edges. Other than overworking, I cannot fathom what Irving did to put his (ex-?) wife in a position of legal power over him and his custody like that.

Augh, two weeks! Too much cliffhanger!

tv shows: sleepy hollow, fannish babblery

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