(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 18:43

You are a mexican!

How Often Do You..................?
brought to you by Quizilla

i love this song & i love this mood icon.
i love how i'm a sleeping mexican.

i had a dream about Chris Carrabba last night.
In the dream, I was at my shrink, and i was like
"when chris sings, i feel like he's right there singing to me. and only me. he sings for me. i know he sings for me"
the shrink was like "Anna, that is not normal."
and i was like "i love when he sings and i love his guitar and i love when he carresses my leg while he's singing!"
and i was freaking out and my shrink was like "you have chris carrabba smyn-smyn-blyn-drome"
and i was like "cool"
and i told this dream to maria & craig and they say i have some of the best dreams.

this one does not beat the one where i tickled the lobster, not even close.

P.S.: Gina did not let me go to starbucks tonight, so she can suck my &#%^
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