Why Do MySpacers Do Such Dumb Things

Jul 21, 2005 10:31

Hey Peeps wats up ok now i know that everybody who has a LiveJournal has a MySpace. MySpace is like the HOT new thing. Everybody just has to have one and if you dont you are labeled as a Loser/ Dork cause you dont have a MySpace. Now if you ask me i think that is just a lil pathetic. Now the things about Myspace that i personaly think that are pathetic are the stupid lil things that the very own MySpacers do. So my BFF Sarah and I were talking on the phone and we both kinda have came up with a unoffical list that over the phone that states everything that pisses us off about the idots on MySpace. Now i cant remember all of what we said over the phone but i will write down some of what i remember:

1. People who ask people to add them, that is really pathetic cant ya do it yourself

2.Yea i like music but that doesnt mean that i want every band to add me cause i like that kind of music.

3.People who have really dark layouts and have the nerve to have really dark fonts. What the hell I CANT READ YOU PROFILE DUMBASS!!!!!!!!

4.People that feel the nees to have 100 marquee moving things on yur profile whats the point just put all yur pics on one or 2 marquees.

5.People who have marquees but only have one pic on the marquees what is the point of even having a marquee.

6.People who have marquees but put one on top of another and both marquees are going opposite ways(Wow I am Now Dizzy To The Point Where I Have To Trow Up)

7.People who post stupid bullitins for exanple "Are You A Virgin?"

8. Peope who have 1232424533 friends why do you need all those people to be yur friend? yur not gonna talk to them.

9.When People post bullitins saying " I have 499 friends, who wants to be # 500. Ok why would you post a bullitin the only people that are gonna read it is your friends they cant be your friend twice.

10.When the bands that you add give you Event Invites to a local show and you dont even live in the same effing state.

11.When Peeps add ya and they dont even ever talk to ya.

12.MySpacers who leave you messages or comments just saying nice layout or i like your song. Thats nice i like it to thats why they are on my MySpace.

13.People who post bullitins Saying somthing like "i need somthing to do tonite who wants to hang?' how dumb are ya.

14.People who put a Survey in the about me section of their MySpace to me that is truly being lazy.

15.People who post bullitins saying "Im bored who wants to talk to me" SO GAY

16.People who dont have a pic up of wat they look like on their profile at all that is really dumb you need to get a pic soon .

17.The fact that MySpace always is under maintence but that is miner.

20.People who have a million band banners on their profile why do ya need that many we know all the bands you like they are listed under your Music section.

21.People stop putting that you are a 100 yrs old near you profile pic we all know that is sooooooooooo not true.

22.People who dont list anything about themselves on their profile, i hate peeps who just have a bunch of pics and no info that is soooooooo dumb

23.When peeps beg and beg for comments and im not talking about the ones for yur pics i am taking about the one just for yur profile, just to let ya know that makes ya look really pathetic.

24.I hate when peeps post surveys on the bullitins if you aske me they belong in the blogs dont take up bullitin space.

25.I hate peeps who constinly make up bullitins that have catchy names and when ya open it it say "comment my pics now" that is soooooooooooo annoying.

26.People that pretend to be a famous person that is sooooooooooo not kool STOP DOIN THAT!!!!!

27.Stop havin those things that say "if you dont repost this in 10 sec you are gonna die they used to be kute but now they are really just old.

28.People who post pics of their freinds and they arent in the pic now that is Just Stupid.

29.Dont post things sayin " New layout you should check it out" quite honestly no1 will look a yur profile if ya put that espically if you dont talk to them.

30.And lastly when people ask you for help and you give it to them and they dont even say thank you WTF that is just BITCHY

Ok that is just 30 things that bother me about the peeps on MySpace just please Stop this it doesnt make any sense at all and serioulsy i am not the only person who feels this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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