September 23 is a day that has been wrought with peril periodically throughout history- On September 23rd of 1845 there was a hunger strike at the Hague. On September 23rd of 1952 the nine Black American students enrolled in Little Rock High School in Arkansas were forced to withdraw. In 1992 in Southern France a mud storm killed 30 people on September 23rd.* THIS YEAR, however, September 23rd was the release of Jenny Lewis’s new ablum, Acid Tongue. The damage: my free will. This album has taken commanded of my life since it’s debut, a little more than a week ago. Let me play you a scenario: It’s sometime between “oh shit it’s really late” and “what an ungodly hour” when I rouse from slumber to a naissant state of semi-conscious. Just enough to let my arms turn me over from my back to my stomach. A state in which i am not usually conscious enough to have a memory. Tonight however, I am pulled back to full awakeness, the memory of my interupted dream quickly fading into sugary vintage folk/rock sweetness of Ms. Lewis’s voice, the pop of Barbara Gruska’s brushes on a snare drum and the slick waterslide of notes down the bridge of a violin from, “It’s a Bad Man’s World.” It is a bad world in general when I am suddenly wide awake at after 4am. But at least I have the comfort of my new favorite album playing. I turn on the speakers, undoubtedly annoying the crap out of my roomates with my sudden urge to hear this album AGAIN today. but it is not enough to call my compulsion to play this album incessantly an “urge." I am haunted by and forced to play this album. This sort of occurance hasn’t just been happening in the wee hours of the morning; My mind has become utterly infiltrated and I no longer have any control over when, to my delight, it begins playing in full surround sound in my brain, again. This is the most bittersweet musical experience I have perhaps ever encountered. Sure, i’d like to have my brain back eventually but for now, every song is so good I don’t mind keeping it on mental repeat for days on end.
We all know that with the greed of corporate America hurling our nation into severe economic recession for the next two years the arts will be the first of the budget cuts across the boards. So i recommend everyone go buy ”Acid Tongue” to bolster your spirts and provide you inspiration and faith in the resilience of human kind, for this album possesses that inspired flame, as does it blow upon the embers of creative sensitivity within the heart and ears of the listener. Blazing a new divergent trail from the wake of the likes of Patti Smith and Joni Mitchell, Jenny Lewis is the hopefull future of rock and roll with her vibrant sparkling voice, steely country guitars and glorious close harmonies. Each player on the album seems to share a clarity of vision and intention, devoting their exceptional talents to yield a vivid and wholly-actualized sound such that one’s heart beats quick with excitement and one’s eyes well up to listen to. Let havoc be reeked upon your free will- this is one surrendering to a good-hurt you will not regret.
And make sure to catch the live show before or after they head to Europe!
(*source: )