Abercrombie, Homade, Bum, Etc.

Nov 25, 2005 19:14

Hi, stuff up for grabs (:

sgstfb [+23/-1]: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sgstfeedback/49873.html

These are my friend's items and I will be away for a week plus,
so she'll e-mail you for details or anything else.
Or you may contact her at sugarrandspice@hotmail.com
Please Do Not ask for pictures of them worn.
POSB Transfers/Concealed Cash at Buyer's Risk
Meet-ups Only at Bt Batok MRT/At her Convenience
(Don't worry,she will not cheat you)

Abercrombie and Fitch Jeans $37 w postage
Tagged Size 0
13.7 inches Across Waistband
9.5 inches from top to crotch
36.2 inches Down (Length of Jeans)
7.7 inches Across Thigh

Homade Purple Racer $12 w postage
10.5 inches Across
Can Stretch up to 15 inches Across
19.5 inches Down

Pinkish-Purple Bikini Top $7 w postage
(No Bottom)
Please ignore the white one;it's already sold. (:

Brand New Gold Pumps $27 w postage
Stated Size 35
Foot should be between 8-9 inches (toe to back of foot)
(Mine's 8.5 inches and it fits me fine)
Had Bought it at $30

Bum Skirt $17 w postage
Tagged Size 27
14.5 inches Across Waistband
14.5 inches Down
Colour Darker than Picture

sgstfb [+23/-1]: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sgstfeedback/49873.html
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