Oct 19, 2003 00:26
God....i have to say, School of Rock was awesome.....and yes, Maverick is included (for all those who know what i'm talking about).
Okay, for starters, they've included every token pop-culture film element, and somehow loaded all of these personas into ten-year-olds. I dont know how true to life this may be, but lets go over it.
-Token gay guy is now the token efeminate kid with lines such as, "you're tacky and i hate you,"
-The Token towntrodden african american trying to find her way (think roots and radio).
-Jack Black (actually a good main character. He's always great as backup, but disappointed me as the lead in shallow hal)
-The wanna-be stoner
-The stoner(s)
-The "jewish-mother"-like psychobitch
-The token downtrodden asian (think Dat Phan without a mother)
-1986 Chevrolet AstroVan....otherwise known as the marijuana-mobile
Is that enough? Well, there ya go.
I had a good time, i guess thats all that matters. Fun movie