Oct 11, 2003 16:56
Wow....what an awful day. Now, let me preface this by saying that i'm venting and am probably not as stuck up as i will seem.
My car has been giving me nothing but trouble, so i'v been saving my pennies (and will do so for a while), so i can eventually trade it in for something around the lines of a new Tiburon. I go to the dealer the other day and ask to test drive it. They wont let me. Those asses. So this morning i get all hyped and ready to go with my dad to test drive a Tiburon because i need a parent with me to do so. My dad and i took two cars because tehre was the chance i'd have to bolt out early to get to Comedy sportz.
Out of my rear-view mirrors i see my dad and this minivan come closer and closer.....i literally say, "oh no," out loud. My dad gets into an accident.
Now, i could have done the asshole thing and keep on driving as if i hadn't seen it, and get to the dealer and play dumb, but what would that do. So i find my way back to them (my dad and the people he collided into or vice versa). I end up having to be the mediator between two raging forces. The minivan was driven by a girl who had her license for like a week, her boyfriend, her father, her mother, and her decrepid grandfather. She sits in the car with the boyfriend and the grandpa, staring at all of us negotiators through the window. Her dad is trying to protect her and force my dad into believing it was his fault. My dad plays completely dumb, saying there is no way he could have been at fault. Anger commences. I'm the only person that both parties respect, so i capitalize on that and try to calm the waters. After a while, i come to believe that it was both their faults for driving at the opposite edges of their lanes. Other than that, everything was a shambles. The police come. Then like four more. I bolt out of there because i dont like police and i had a comedy sports practice with tasha.
While i'm driving, i get these weird feelings that the whole situation was a sign that i would never get my dream car. After a while, i felt better because i had done the right thing in calming the waters. Then comedy sportz. Oy vey.
I didnt want to be there. I was definitely not in the mood. And my performance showed it. I get a call right afterward. Its my mom. I know its bad because she starts of the conversation with, "You're not going to like this, but..." I almost never like what she's going to say, so her prefacing the conversation with that made me all the more worried. She tells me i'm going to have to give up my car for a while until my dad's is fixed (which might be a while because of the undecided nature of the accident and our lack of ability to pay for a rental car and repairs). Now i get pissed. I dont know why. I should have been happy to sacrifice for the family unit. I wasn't. Man, i was angry. It was like i was being punished when i did everything right...and i didnt even get my promise to go on the test drive.
Then, i make the mistake of telling my dad, "Why should i be punished for your bad driving" (feeling that the accident was a little more his fault, though both parties had made mistakes). Wow...He calls me on my cell like 50 times and i dont answer. Finally he calls me at home, and i pick up. He rants about how he drives hundreds of miles per day and hasn't gotten into an accident in years. He then brings up the fact that i had popped a curb once (early on in my driving) in his car, blowing a tire. Hmmm. Not only did i feel bad, but i didnt know what to say. I apologized, of course, but had a feeling of pure hatred toward almost everything. I fell asleep. And i slept well. For the first time in god knows how long, i slept without unisom. I woke up to a house that had been transformed for halloween. And it freaked me out. And now its almost 5 o'clock and i have no idea what to think.