Phone Tag and tho you can't tell i used html to link that site and i'm kinda proud... it's ok... no need for applause.
ANYWHO! I found that vid on youtube and laughed till I stopped and I will admit... that was me... I was the crazy ex. But isn't the fact that I'm able to reconginize that mean I'm on the road to recovery? *Leaves another 6 page email in Ryan's inbox filled with numerous threats to the UN and the words "Screw Schoenenberger over and over* ;P
In other news went back to work today and it was ok... kinda busy... my feet feel like i've been wearing socks with shattered glass in them... black pavement barefoot was a bad choice... but I still had fun yesterday maybe next time I'll be able to keep up on the skates... I just need to drink more water... and you know... get in shape.
So started 4th season of smallville... loved the first like 4 episodes they were silly smallville... esp the one where everyone is drinking kyptonite water and Chloe becomes a cheerleader. I liked the whole Clark and Lois thing... they are a lot more fun than Lana and Clark. It's funny Dan told me about the only two episodes he's seen and I told him eariler today I hadn't seen them but when I got home they ended up being the next two I watched... creepy no? And now I have to recollect my findings about kyptonite...
green kyptonite = kills clarks, makes everyone else anything else
red kyptonite = makes clarks sexy but violent... but very very sexy
black kyptonite = turns clarks into luthors
yep that about sums it up... soon i'll know what all kyptonite does... pishaw Dan thought that I liked spiderman better than superman... how dare he!... Spider Man got that way because of an accident... Clark was born that way bitch... he is that super... and don't get me started on Batman... he's only superpower is being obsensely wealthy... hell Lex could be a super hero if he was investing his money right and found a faggity companion (no offense daniel ;p)
Superman is by far the coolest super hero ever. And the best alter ego too... Clark Kent is way more awesome than Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker. And he has kept his hands off Jimmy Olsen... you could learn a thing or two from him Mr. Wayne... a thing or two indeed...
And last question.. if Lionel's family lived in Suicide Slums how did they ever have the money to take out the obsense insurance policy that would have made Lionel rich when he killed them...
did I mentioned that I really like smallville?