Sep 28, 2004 10:22
Society as a whole has fallen victim to standards induced by the very people which it comprises of. Generation after generation, life seems to be followed about in the same pattern: we are born, go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, die. It's so simple, only a small number of people realize the time they waste sitting on their lazy asses watching American Idol. Everyone seems to feel that this way of life is the only way of life that is right, and moral restrictions imposed by society have a way of embedding themselves into the masses unconsciously through this seemingly obligatory way of life.
Which is why I choose to denounce all morales, such as monogamy, sobriety, and honesty. Such restrictions on a person cause us to all fall short of an advanced standard of life, one in which your happiness is of your own control. Everyone is lulled into believing that their happiness depends on others, but on the contrary the only person that can control your happiness is you. Others actions should not be blamed as the cause of your worldly afflictions, and they should not be incited to guilt. We should all live with no restrictions besides that we place on ourselves voluntarily, unlike the nearly subconscious restrictions society imposes.
So go out and party, have sex, do drugs, or anything else that might make you happy, no matter how taboo. Such "crude" acts do not constitute you as a bad person, and everyone has the right to rid themselves of such guilt. I'm happy just the way I am, so you should be too.