Oh Diamond Comics.. you so stupid.

Jan 06, 2009 11:07

In my e-mail box this morning (shortened of course):

"Go Green in 2009 with Paperless Invoices from Diamond
Lead Stories, Diamond Daily, 1/6/2009

Empowering you to help reduce waste and contribute to the planet’s long-term survival, Diamond is encouraging you to Go Green by choosing to receive your invoice by email instead of a printed version with your shipment.....

In recent years, more and more people have become concerned about their ecological footprint, and those classic Three R’s of Conservation - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -gain greater significance when you look at the numbers.

• From 1970 to 1991, paper consumption in the United States doubled, and has continued to increase ever since.
• In 2005, Americans produced 246 million tons of trash, approximately 42 million tons of which was paper.
• Newspapers alone occupy a staggering 14% of landfills......

Now I can appreciate Diamond wanting people to "go green"..... but requesting their customers receive e-mails instead of printed invoices is just stupid on several levels.

Level 1: We would have to print our invoices ourselves, therefore incurring a further cost (minor as it may be) to our business. This cost would be saved only by Diamond.

Level 2: Physical invoices are pretty much a necessary evil for bookkeeping, order checking, etc.

Level 3: It's way easier to accidentally delete an e-mail then it is to lose a printed invoice.

Level 4: On a week to week basis, Diamond Comics is horrifically guilty of wasting paper for packaging their products. They use glossy, over bleached paper as packing "filler", mashing up 5 feet lengths of the stuff to fill a 6 inch gap in a box, or worse still using a 2'X1'X6" box to ship one graphic novel, and filling the rest of the box with packing material.

Level 5: Our very business, as much as they seem oblivious to it, is to sell PAPER PRODUCTS. I'm not calling comics "anti-green", as many companies use recycled products to produce their books.... but lets be serious. Diamonds new enviro-friendly stance: "BUY OUR PAPER PRODUCTS! But don't get a paper INVOICE, THAT'S BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!!!"

Level 6:"Ecological Footprint"???? Really???? How about NOT shipping comics from Canada where they are printed across the border to your warehouse, repackaging (and over-packaging) them in the States and then shipping them back over the border to the same province they were printed in?

Forget the eco-footprint.. Diamond needs an eco-bootstomp to their ass. IDIOTS.

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