Jul 13, 2009 00:12
I've spent the last two days re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I finished it at 7:14 (P.M.)
And I cried at "The Prince's Tale" and his death, just like the first time. Great big, heaving, "OMFG, WHYYYY???" sobs. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still. If I had let myself, I would have. I hardly ever cry when a character dies. The only exceptions, besides this, of course, are Bridge to Terabithia, Freak the Mighty, and Dead Poets' Society. ♥
They get me every goddamn time.
Also, because I'm a slash fangirl, and because I didn't believe Harry and Ginny's sudden infatuation was really love, I picked up on something in the epilogue. Ginny is never actually referred to as Harry wife. However, she is referred to as a Potter. I bet a more inventive slash fangirl could turn this on it's head, to infer something.
We, as in my mom, aunt, and me, just watched the movie The 4th Floor (we borrowed it from G). I realized about five minutes in that I'd already seen it, but it was still great! And there was this part at the very end that I didn't remember seeing the first time around, which totally threw me for a loop!
Inside the locksmith's house, it shows that he was actually an artist, and that was why he had those big ass binoculars. The camera passed over the various paintings and drawings, showing that he'd painted things he'd seen from his window, and it stopped and focused on a particular painting, of the bad guy and the girl's boyfriend sitting at a table, over a typewriter...
*whistles* Fuck yeah! Now that I think about it, though, it does seem familiar. Huh... My memory sucks. Oh, well.
So, it's late (for me, in my current state, anyways), and I'm going to bed soon. Later!