when you kill me | | please do it slowly | | send a message to the world

Jul 02, 2009 11:13

I went out for a walk yesterday morning, and today (because I figured, sitting in front of my computer all day isn't gonna make me less fat). So I'll keep this up, or at least do my damnedest to. It's very hot, but it's nice getting home and taking a shower afterward. I should eat healthier, too... Fuck that, I'll just walk.

So, aaaannywaaayys, I caught up with Bakuman yesterday. I made, like, fourteen Bakuman icons while I was reading. And some Death Note. LOL I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. But so many are just variations of each other, I guess it can really only be said that I made five of Bakuman and three of Death Note and GODDAMNIT, I keep misspelling Bakuman as Bakugan. D:< I hate Bakugan. It's like a weird rip-off combination of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!

Jason bought me Uzumaki a few days ago, from FYE. It's based off of a manga by the same name, by Junji Ito. We went to his house shortly afterward and watched it. IT WAS HELLA CREEPY! But so good. ♥ I'd seen the first seven minutes or so on youtube before then, so I was so happy to see it!

The manga is even better, in my opinion, though. The ending is just... so much less vague. Even though it's not explained why all this crazy spiral shit happens, you at least know definitely what happens to Kirie and Shuichi.

Then we went to another store, Big Lots, and looked at the toys. I saw the Alfred Hitchcock Birds Barbie again! They were cheaper, twenty dollars as opposed to Wal*Mart's forty. Also, there were a bunch of Grease Barbies. I also found a cute Pokemon keychain of Riolu! I was going to buy it, because it was only three dollars (plus tax and whatnot), but you know what I fucking found on the cheap-movies stand!???


Fucking Steamboy! HELL YEAH! I keep seeing that at FYE for, like, ten dollars, but I bought it for $3.27! I've been dying to get this for, like, a month FOREVER! X) So I had to put Riolu back, because I only had five bucks. But whatever! I have it!

The only reason I want to see it, though, is because it's Steampunk. I love Steampunk. :3

Jason bought something called Memories. It looks cool, and sometime in the next few days, we're going to go to his house and watch them both.

I got an idea for an icon just now, because of the song I'm listening to, so, later!
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