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Mar 26, 2005 19:30

fucked up night. cody ditched us. oh, oh wait. he ditched us when alicia was already at the mall. he decided to bring jenn sean tom & shane with him to the mall, so there wasn't any more room in his truck.. & he couldn't come back to pick us up because he woudlnt' be able to drive past 11. i felt like sucha shit head. alicia was all by herself, the mall closed, no jacket. i hope she's not mad at me. but she's home safe, so that's good. well instead of going to cody's i slept over frankie's house.. we watched garden state for the first time. best movie everrrrr, oh god. then andrew called us & we decided we were going to meet him tyler & sam at the duck pond. fun fun fun. sat in the ga-ze-bow. haha i can't spell it, whatever. umm yeah so that was fun we hung out with them for alittle & then went home & went to sleep. & in the morning we did brogan & frankie's easter baskets with pamelaaaa, very exciting. & pam brought us to my house, were we met up with DIABETIC & andrew. hehehee, so much fun. we hung out at andrew's house. & guess-the-fuck-what, i was in brian's room with diabetic wasn't way-woes five, & we were pushing are foreheads together hahaha & talking at the same time & i waslike "i want you to be my boyfriend" &then we acted like i didn't say anything so then out of randomness in the middle of kissing i'd stop & be like "go out with me" & he's like "i don't know" & i asked him if he liked kayla, & he said he doesn't. yayyyy, & i was like "you like emily" & he's like "mmhmm" & i'm like "a lot.." & he's like "mmhmm" :D oh oh, & we were lying out on the couch & i was like "be my boyfriend" & he started smiling & then something happend which i definatly cant' put here. yep, & a little later frankie & i jumped on the trampolen while watched andrew & diabetic ride there fifty's in mud. haha, & then we went to rita's. talked about pepmobis..mo? i don't know how to spell it. hahaha. pam picked us up & brought me home. we listend to ohio is for lovers ♥ really loud. & i was squished in the back seat next to andrew who was next to diabetic who was on a child seat thing haha. i shook diabetic's hand goodbye, instead of kissing cause frankei's mom was RIGHT there haha. yep, got home & had dinner. i think tomorrow late night we'll be going over andrew's or something. oh & kayla & i were talking when i got home.. we're kinda cool now. i know diabetic was stoned when he talked her, he said so. oh & on the walk to rita's andrew was yelling at diabetic because diabetic's going to buy girl jeans hahahaha, hot hot hot. i'll miss the dickies but hey i'ts just one pair & plus he's hot so it's cool. i had so much fun today, ah. off to color eggs ♥ i love hiimmm

edit: i left out how i told diabetic he's my favorite juggalo. ah, amazing amazing amazing boy ♥ it was so cute. i love his voice.

edit 2: alright so kayla's on the fucking phone with diabetic right now. what the fucking fuck? i'm so jealous. i don't even know why, because i was the one making out with him all day & she just gets to hear his voice through plastic shit. i really want him to be my boyfriend soon so this whore can back off.
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