I forget how good it is to sit by my window, read blogs, and drink coffee from my favorite mug. Well, from one of my favorite mugs. All the mugs I have are limited to my favorites due to the fact that I almost never drink hot drinks. Finding a new coffee place with excellent sugar-free options has resparked my love affair with coffee, enough that I make it at home now too. Maybe I'll sneak some of my own to work (because all they've got is the mild blend--wusses).
In other news, the Nook may have been the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm reading again like a crazed--reading--type--person. In the couple weeks that I've had it, I've devoured three hefty sized books and a few short stories. I've yet to try and read a non-fiction book on it, but I'm hoping it will be the same rate of reading. I have all these good intentions to read educational things, but I always default back to vampires, fairies, and sex. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Third cup of coffee. I am buzzing.
Tumblr. Got one. Really had one for a long time but never used it. Enjoying it immensely.
HERE, were anyone interested. I'm not that interesting, all of you know that. It seems like as soon as I get people to join one form of social networking site, I'm ready to move on to the next. What is up with that? Probably something to do with my subconscious. Or not. Probably not.
February is coming. Tuck and roll. The month terrifies me. I'm glad that it's a good 3 days shorter than it could be. March always feels like the green grass in a pasture I've been looking at for 28 days. Granted, once I get there it usually turns out to be a little muddy, but I'm okay with that. At least it isn't on fire.