Mar 06, 2007 08:43
Sick, bored, annoyed. This bra is uncomfortable and I'm on a crash course straight back to my fat pants. I put mascara and eyeliner on today, even though I know it makes my eyes hurt by the end of the day. I'm stuck going to class and sitting in the computer lab for two hours learning how to use SPSS.
I'm also stuck waiting around for a "property inspection." I can't help but get the feeling we're getting checked up on for something, but I can't imagine what. And I know it isn't that, it's just annoying to have to invite people into your home to have a look around, even if you do rent.
I need to stop depending on caffeine to keep me awake. I've gone from not really drinking coffee to going to Starbuck's at least every other day and scoffing at people who order anything less than a quad. Usually I don't even hash, I just get an Iced Venti Americano. If I'm looking for a meal, I'll get an Iced Venti Quad Nonfat Caramel Macchiato. I could use one right now. Or both.
Sleep is just something I don't get anymore. It's not for lack of trying. I'm not even that busy. I think I'm moving rapidly past the point of depressed and careening into the mediocrity of numb. But so long as I'm still functioning. And I am. Rather well in school and at work anyway.