What could be better than an icon that mixes Harry Potter and Airplane? Nothing, I say.
So when can I start listening to....
Interrupted by a call on my cell. It was a pre-recorded Spanish telemarketer. They wanted me to try something and I'd get a free digital camera. All I had to do was press uno. I really love surreal events like that. Things like that used to happen to me all the time. I remember once, Tai and I were sitting in the park (admittedly, it was at night, but it was a well-lit picnic area). This guy came up and started talking to us, and eventually ended up teaching us how to waltz. Seriously, we were waltzing with a perfect stranger that was probably calculating where to leave the bodies.
Back to our regularly scheduled entry.
So when can I start listening to Christmas music? I'm getting the bug. I'll also need to upload my old Christmas icons, and Christmasify my journal. After Thanksgiving, I suppose, but I bet I could filter in a little music starting now.
I signed up for the Walla Walla Democrats listserv a bit ago, and I'm actually pretty pleased that it was noticed. I should contact
felinefury's mum to do some volunteer something.
Before, I wouldn't have necessarily called myself a Democrat. It was one of those parties I'd identify with for lack of a closer match. I think though, the last presidential election, I wasn't voting against Bush. I was voting for Kerry. It reminded me how much I loved Clinton, and how much I really thought Kerry/Edwards was going to be a good choice. *sigh* I'm just relieved that Bush's job approval ratings are at an all time low. Can people really be waking up? We need a President strong enough to lead us out of war. The situation's going to take some fixing, but hopefully in '08 we'll get the chance to elect a person who can do that.
Unfortunately, at this point I just keep thinking: "Anyone but Jeb."