Good morning world & the exibition

Nov 22, 2009 08:04

Hi everyone,

I rarely drink. Maybe 2-3 times a year and even than I drink way less than everyone else. This is a fact in order to explain why it is unusual that Iam awake after having drunk a few Proseccos and one Caipirinha. I actually slept for some hours, but than at about 5:30 I woke up and couldn´t get myself to sleep again. I can´t even explain why. I didn´t have nightmares. I felt slightly thirsty when waking up, but I drank some water and actually should be back in dreamland by now (7:10 in the morning as Iam typing). Weird.

What´s even weirder is the fact that I lay awake remembering a old anecdote about me and my best friend Fids. Many many years ago me and my best friend celebrated the fact that I found a job some hundred kilometers away from where I grew up. So we did something very untypical for us. We decided that we "go shopping in Frankfurt". As neither of us had a car and Fids is still up to today the only one of us that made a drivers license, we borrowed my Moms car. This meant that we dropped Mom at her office in Darmstadt and than we drove to Frankfurt and where supposed to pick her up again after work. The way to Frankfurt was no problem. Many signs going there as it is one of the major cities in Germany. The way back however.... Horror. No signs to go to Darmstadt or any place we knew to be close to there!!! Just places where we had never been to and had no idea where that was. And no petrol-station to ask at as we ended up on some odd country road. My Mom also had no real map stored in her car cause than we could have used that to navigate. We found a "special map" though. A map which illustrated in which districts there is the biggest danger to get infected by ticks. So we used that to get an idea about where we are. It did not include streets. While we spended 3 hours on a country road somehow, trying to make our way back to my Mom, her office closed and she had to wait in front of it. Boy was she pissed when we finally arrived :-D Why do I think of that story? I have no clue! I just woke up thought "Damn am I thursty" and than out of the blue "damn, we really were driving around totally crazy 6-7 years ago!!!"

ACTUALLY it would be more proper to write about the exibition we went to today... (me, Pinky Paradise and Miss Giggles). MY day started rather odd. As I waited for Miss Giggles in Starbucks having a Toffee nut Latte and a cheesecake the only free place was not that far from a homeless guy that kept asking everyone for napkins. So I sat down like 3 meters away from him and as I was sorry for that poor confused guy I gave him a napkin as nobody else did. Than however he turned over his highly bandaged foot and I saw it was full of purulence (I hope that´s the right word - used google translator) and smelled of that so much, that I had to escape my place to keep my breakfast in me. I felt mean for escaping, but if you had smelled it yourself you would have run, too.

However this was the only unpleasant event for the day and it got really nice later on. It was fab to hang out with Miss Pinky and Miss Giggles as we hadn´t seen in AGES. And we drank a lot of champagne. The exibition itself was very good, too (but than I wouldn´t go to a exibition I expect to be less than at least very good anyway;-) and we got to talk to some nice people. Some we already knew by name as we´re all in the same photographer community :-D By accident the three of us even matched our outfits. We all came in black and red outfits and many photos where taken of our lovely retro-trio that evening. I have no clue where they will end up though so I can´t even tell wether I can show you some of it?! We´ll see. Peter, that exibited, asked us to socialise with his friends - we even danced for them. Iam not sure Peter actually liked that part of our socialising, though :-D If you find any youtube video titled "Drunk Pin ups do a weird improvised dance"... that is probably me and Pinky :-D I hope you notify me in that case, so I can link it ;-)

After some hours the three of us left to stop by a coctail-bar just around my corner. Usually there is nothing happening in it whenever I go there (ok, admittedly the last time I went was X-Mas three years ago when Fids drove me home all the way from Höchst/Odenwald) this time it was full of arabian teenagers... Strange. It seems to have become hip since I went there the last time....

However all led to a discussion wether it actually pays off for me to be a good person in the long or short run or wether it is better to be not so good. As we kept twisting and twisting the topic we didn´t come to an definite end. I think I´ll stay good and won´t hate people.

And Miss Giggles never heard about the Bielefeld conspiracy!!!!

Next Saturday I will go to the premiere viewing of "Rockabilly Ruhrpott". Yes, this Docu is finally finished!!! I did an interview for it last year telling about my views about Pin up and Burlesque. And I´ll be wearing my beautifull new Able Grable dress. Let me count.... I must have gone to events/concerts this year 4 times. That is a damn lot for me. Am I turning into a "social butterfly" now??? :-D

Holy crap!!! It´s dawning!!!

exibitio mniss giggles pinky paradise pe

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