This is me

Aug 12, 2009 21:00

Hi everyone!

Most of the people I have to do with (work-mates included) are not surprised about me beeing a pin up girl. However there are some that just don´t seem to get it. That is ok with me, but just cause someone does not understand it, it does not make it a wrong thing.

Why do I do pin ups?

It is fun. I love to be creative, to develope an idea and to find the props to go with it. If it is something unusual I´m after I sometimes make it by myself. As many have noticed I have also started to take my own pictures to make the images in my head become reality. I know what I want and I´m not a puppet you put in place and shoot.

For the first time in my life Iam myself. Before I never seemed to fit in anywhere. 6 Years ago I fell in love with a pin up book and the transformation began. It was within me anyway, I just had to match my looks with what is inside me. It makes me happy that I do not have to hide behind what people consider hip anymore. I can live up to my own ideals of beauty like I allways dreamt to since I was a child.

I want to make people happy. This world is a sad and dark place. I want to add colour to the life of others. When I can put a smile on your face I do my job right.  When I move you in any way with my pictures I do a good job. When my pictures encourage other women to see themselves as the goddess that we all have within ourselves I have even done a fantastic job. And if you just find me cute that´s not evil either.

I get to meet wonderfull and creative people that I wouldn´t get to meet otherwise. Off course there is also the nice stuff that I get from companies for modelling for them. Seriously I feel like I live in paradise sometimes.

I love what I do and to express and re-invent myself in my photos. And when I can inspire people with it  that is even better! There is nothing more flattering than when I receive a nice art-work someone did based on a photo of me. Or when a photographer tells me that he showed his modells my pics to explain them how to pose. Or when a lady writes me to tell that she has taken inspiration from my pictures and had her own taken. When I go and check out those pictures/artworks I feel very proud that I can move something in this world and made a difference in someones life. Sometimes I get unexpected compliments from people that readed my blog. I never expect that anyone does actually, but than out of nowhere someone mentions that he readed my blog and enjoyed it. This are moments when I know that all this work is worth it!

I do not see anything wrong with all this and I see nothing bad in feeling good about myself. Some years ago I would not have had the confidence to show myself like that and now look at me! I feel way more comfortable in my skin - thanks to have my pictures taken and discovering I can look really nice if I take the effort. If someone takes offense in that he musn´t watch. There is nothing bad with beeing ok with me and there is nothing cheap or wrong about it. If some men think they must objectify me for the way I look and dress feel free to do so. It is you missing out.
After all I wear more than most women wear to the beach and our grandmothers/mother would have rather died than to be seen in public without their seamed stockings (real ones or painted ones to conceal they couldn´t afford or find any during the war).

So love, peace and harmony to everyone wether you like what I do or don´t.

pin up why

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