011 Λ Homework

Oct 01, 2011 01:32

[Accidental Video]

[The video clicks on in the sterile laboratory room that Lambda calls home. She's sitting at a desk in the uniform of Queen Serenity's academy, a stack of books next to her, concentrating hard on the bit of paper she's writing on. Her handwriting is very clinical and neat, but her pen is moving incredibly slowly as she carefully draws each letter.

Finally, after a few more minutes, she sets the pen down.]

Assignment review. Beginning check.

"A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a sub-orbital ballistic flightpath with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined location.

Ballistic missiles can be launched from mobile launchers- including vehicles, aircraft, ships, submarines- or from a fixed station.

A ballistic missile is a tube almost completely filled with either liquid or solid fuel, and is approximately thirty to over one hundred feet tall.

Short-range ballistic missiles may reach speeds of up to twenty or more times the speed of sound when travelling through an area of little air resistance, or no resistance at all."

Rhyming scheme confirmed. Poem complete.

voice, schooltime, accidental, roboderp, lambda's lab

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