Jan 07, 2005 23:59
Having a job is sooo awesome. I almost have my cruise totally payed for and it's only January. It'll be paid for by the beginning of next month with tons of spending money. Which means that i'll definatly have enough money to go visit Emily V this summer as well! A MAZ ING! So breakdown of the break:
- I spent 85% of my time working
- I spent 5% cleaning/being sick and still am sick
- I spent the remaining 10% hanging out with all my amazing friends
Which reminds me...I MUST call micah tomorrow and set up some time when i can have lunch with him. Emily leaves on Tuesday which is sad. I have to go back to school on Monday which is sad as well, but i'm pretty sure two of my classes don't start till febuary which is waaay strange. AND i have to go buy books on Monday which is LAME. Ryan has me totally fixed on that word. LAME. I am supposed to work tomorrow but i'm really sick and don't know if i will have a voice. BUT i REALLY don't want to call in sick cause i need the hours. Speaking of which i love my job and am so stoked that i have it. I'm making grrrreat money and i work with some cool chicks. Except for one of them...who really gets on my nerves, but what are you gona do!? Yeah...
On another note i went to see the WW show tonight and it was FAB U LOUS!!! It was really intresting to watch cause it's the first show i've seen them do since i graduated. And jj dougey and kaci and megan are all graduating ... which is strange. The show itself was very good. It was fun to watch. It was quite strange and made me really want to catch up with a lot of people. It made me sad that i live in austin and haven't kept in touch and for that i am sorry. I feel like i've been trying to get my own life together...which i've been doing. But anyways,
KACI we gota have lunch sometime soon! I have Fridays off so maybe one friday i'll come up to WW and take you to lunch or something. Cause on the weekends i usually work...or if you have a cell phone # you should give it to me and i'll call ya sometime.
Meagan i have been meaning to meet with for forever but it just never happens. SO maybe i'll call her soon and arrange something cause i need to catch up with her like whoa!
I saw a lot of other people tonight that i wanted to see what they were doing. Like Jon Derrington and leslie and doug and john. You kids are FABULOUS! ALL OF YOU! I'm sure i'll see all of you again soon. I duno. i'm downtown always so call me.
SO yeah tonight was kind of weird seing everyone all at once, but it was good to know that everyone is doing well.
Anyways, i should be asleep but instead i'm all hyped up on coffee so i'm playing computer. eeekkk i'm so sick. On another note seing the show tonight made me want to audition for something which i'm planning to do on the 10th...i think? but i duno i feel like i want to do a REALLY good show. WE'll see what comes up. school is starting i'm going to be so busy...i am taking two Comp classes which means LOTS of writing. But i'm also taking YOGA!! HOORAY! and i've also made the decision taht i'm applying to southwest/Texas state in the fall if all goes well this semester. So ya...break was great...but now i'm sick and i have to go back to school.
hart hart