is how girls can post innapropriate content online in one form or another, and then turn around and tell people that their comments are innapropriate.
I mean really, all you're doing is throwing everything you can out there and you're hoping to provoke a reaction from someone so you can sit there and play the gatekeeper.
Well sister, i'm not buying it. Your attitude, much like your fashion sense is so 20th century. In case you didn't know, it's the 21st and porn is everywhere, and mostly for free. So forgive me for not sitting around and drooling politely while waiting for you to throw me a bone, which will never happen anyway. I know the drill, I'd rather watch some of that free porn than look at you and give you credit for doing nothing and find a nice girl and ask her out instead. Oh, wait I already did! And it lead to 62 wonderful years of marriage.
That's a lot more than I can for you missy. So while you sit there typing on that expensive computer that your parents bought you about how much you hate your life, I've been enjoying mine and not waiting for that super hunk to ask me out, knowing he'll dump me 6 months later for someone else.
Well that's my story and im sticking to it. This has been Andy Rooney for 60 Minutes.