Look, look at meee

May 24, 2010 20:36

Landed a job today! It's just at the local grocery store but it's still money! Also planning on getting my hair cut tomorrow, this could be a terrible decision! We'll see.

Anyway I feel weird not posting something worthwhile so here's my entry from a contest my school had recently.

It managed to win an honorable mention in a contest that originally only had one winner so...that's pretty good, yeah?

The book's about a girl who goes to sleep and finds herself in a magical dream world full of color changing trees and half naked boys with no shoes. Good stuff.
I had to remove the title of the book, and you can still see where I haphazardly edited it out! I am lazy.

Detail shot! Kind of.
Did I mention I saved these two images as jpg files? Why would I do that t(=_=t)
But rest assured the GIGANTIC original file is saved as a nice clean PDF. I'm not quite that dumb. (ahaha I still hate myself. I'm too lazy to go back and resize and resave though.)

Either way I was told this could hypothetically be chosen as the cover for the second printing? So if I delete this post then that means good things might be coming my way, hahah.

jobs, art, college

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