Jan 08, 2006 13:41
Ever since arriving here in Galway I've noticed a trend amongst some of the driving folk. It's happened to me back in Dublin and in London too but never in the sheer volume it has here in Galway. For some reason people here seem to enjoy slowing as they pass me by and shouting out the window at me. It's usually in regards to my flaming sexuality. Now I'm not the most sensitive person in the world and usually these things don't bother me in the slightest but what interests me, as I said, the volume of these events I've encountered since moving here to Galway. Since Sept I've had about 17 of these experiences. Thats about 1 every week.
Okay now I'm not the most butch person in the world and some might go so far as to say that I'm "slightly" femme....ahem....but surely this isn't something new to these people. Saying that however, most of the fags I've meet here in Galway, mainly through the university, do have some adversity against camp which I must admit I find quite strange indeed. Maybe us Queeny types should stick to the city and leave these quagmire's to the knucklescrapers. Perhaps Galway as a city isn't as forward thinking as they like to think. Or am I being too harsh? I've never heard of any queer bashing down here unlike back in Dublin where they're almost a weekly event. It's all very strange indeed and something I have another 12 months to research as I don't plan on going anywhere until I get my piece of paper. Maybe they'll get used to me....after all who couldn't love a big screaming homo...we're just so goddam lovable.