Everything has gone fine with Columbia. I got in and took the tests I had to take. The only thing that I am waiting on now is if my mom got the loan that I needed, I'll hear back about that after Christmas.
Krisie and I have been looking at apartments cause everyone says that it is party central at school and that we shouldn't live there. Even the financial advisor told me that. :/ So I found this gorgeous place and I really hope that we can get it.
http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/apa/252238765.htmlUgh it's so beautiful! :( I am in love with it already. Once I hear back about the loan, I am gonna schedule a meeting to see it. I can't believe I am like a real adult now! Oh noez!
Krisie cut and redyed my hair while I was visiting her up in Minnesota. Pics after the jump.
Besides that, nothing else much has been happening. Just getting stoked on life pretty much. I just want Fall Out Boy's new CD to come out. I love the new video so much, it's ridiculously funny. The only bad thing is that the end makes me sad cause I miss the old days. Wahh.