Aug 10, 2006 12:26
Ello ladies and gents
Another boring post bought to you ... by me :)
Lots of sewing in progress. I still live between homes and find it incresingly tiring. Just the travel time from one home to another is horrendus. Ihave to catch two buses eithetr way unless Dan picks me up and most days, if traveling back to Mum's, it takes me more than an hour to travel what should be a 30 minute journey.
I desperately want to get in to shape for summer and I've been trying to maintain a regualr walking routine but its not enough. On the other hand, the very thought of doing any more exercise than that makes me want to fall asleep. Oh how I just wish I could stay away from chocolate. It would make my life so much easier. If only it weren't so very yummy.
Uni is average. The topics are mildly interesting but again so much reading to do and fuck all time to do it makes me a very unhappy woman.
I'm starting to dig this vego thing even more. Buying free range eggs, which previously I didn't really care so much about... but now you know, it's a liffestyle that really grows on you. And I love cooking even more now which is a bonus.
Looking forward to summer, heaps! I'm actually looking forward to getting a bit active. Maybe some beach volleyball or camping or even going to the beach full stop. I might be able to wear the bikni top I spend 80 odd dollars on.... I wish I didnt have to work on weekends. That would make life agreat deal more fun for all involved.
And Melbourne either later this year or even early next year. I plan to go for a week, so I best start saving the moolah.
Love you all.
Rach :)