(no subject)

Mar 27, 2008 12:04

in a one month period my entire life has changed.

from the beginning.i go on craigslist, i find a car, i call her, i get it the next day. i call the insureance lady the same day, i get my car registered on monday and my insurance on wednesday. our lease came up for villa sienna, we spent one week cleaning and moving and packing, and on the 12th at 6:00 we moved everything out of our apartment, at 6:30 we turned in the keys. at 7:00 we went to sign the lease on our new place, which we had gotten the day before, and which used to be my friends house. we sign the lease,write the check, and i bail because at 8:00 i have to work. I get off work and go to my moms house beacause at 9 am the next morning i start my internship, which i had gotten the day before. i wake up and go to my internship, meet my boss, learn a bajillion things, smoke a lot of cigarettes, have lunch, drive to garden grove, get lost, find the place, get a tour, drive back to my internship, drop off the stuff i picked up, leave immediately because it is 5:10 and i work at 5:30. driving 50 down bristol, which is the speed limit, get to light, is green, turns yellow, and then red but im already through it, wondering if something like that counts as a red, get pulled over and get a ticked while the thought is still fresh in my mind. kinda pissed and now late for work i say fuck it and stop to buy more cigarettes. get to work find out my clock is wrong im right on time. work forever. get off go to moms house and sleep becauase i have class at 9 am. wake up go to class. . drive to new home hang out, get drunk, party? sleep. weekend is just working, which is hell everything goes wrong and everyone is angry or sick. monday 7 am wake up and cannot find my car keys. very angry. wake up room mate tells me bobby has my keys, bobby works in west la. evey more angry. wake up sleeping visiting best friend to drive me to parents house to get my spare keys. 9 am internship again, do a whole bunch of stuff, eat lunch, drive all over the place, meet a million people. go home, still angry. call boyfriend, being a douche, decide to drink at my house with friends,get fucked up go to alejandros, delicious. come home , boyfriend here, with coked out friend, wont stop talking to me about imaginary set ups for music videos, keeps shaking me awake, really really pissed at this point. hide in the corner and go to sleep in front of heater. have been sleeping on the floor for two weeks now. it sucks. no bed yet. tuesday, wake up at 9 got to class. forgot part of project, so rush home. raelly pissed, bad traffic, get home, get shit, get back to school and some bitch has taken my spot at the meter which i paid for. super pissed again. go to class do project looks great. go home.get nails done after class with katie , acrylics, how weird. go to next class, got a redline, im cracked out. cliff calls me. tells me david got in accident. oh shit. go home.sleep. class next day, late again, having problems with my car. find out its just a cold bitch. go to class, go home, go to work, ask for raise, get raise, not really get raise, still confused. go home. wake up move a millions things. go to work. get off work. talk to cliff, david not going to make it. in shock, drive home, cant see still crying. see people standing in street by my driveway, girl is flashing me her tits, makes me feel weird but im still crying. go inside,try to do homework. wake up, late for school, forgot it started at 9 and not ten. rush to class, rush to finish project, looks great. still really upset from night before. get out of class , call elise, go to lunch, its good. hang out all day and buy seven coloring books and an awesome journal, spend the day coloring and drinking fat tire. realize i have horrible allergies to the things in my ,house, the mildew in teh carpet, the dust, the paint, etc and by the end of the night i cannot breathe at all and my eyes are red and tearing up. awful. go to sleep. wake up, weekend again. work. hell, place floods me and anna alone. fuck. monday, spring break. wake up room mate is trapped in his room because door knob broke. try to save him, get the doorknob off, cant stop laughing. go to internship, draw all day, made two tshirt designs, doing good. tuesday hung out wih old friend, got lunch, ate ice cream, got drunk with anna. call cliff, comes, over buy a big bottle of jager, finish it off. trying to talk as quickly as possible because im at a loss for words. seems to be doing good. find out about the service. wednesday. hang out with anna, get lunch, we talk alot and were both pretty bummed. get to work and have to ask for day off, boss is rude and asks too many questions about the situation, explain to him that my old room mate and best friends little brother passed away, is still rude and asks me what kind of motorcycle and then continues to make fun of me somehow. but i get the day off. work fucking sucks, too busy and im too upset to try to pretend to be nice. go home, get drunk with anna. wake up. its thursday. today. there is no one at my house cause they all work and im alone,it sucks. im hungry.

so thats my life so far.
alot has gone on.
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