Destined to be on slave-wage labour for the rest of my life.

Mar 26, 2013 06:10

Despite the potential income offered by running a restaurant I do not think I will able to handle the stress. Luxuriously comfortable living does not attract me.

It is wrong and unethical for my father to emotionally blackmail me into living closer to Stortford to see my family more often. I am a grown man. He cannot tell me where I can or cannot live. I make my own decisions.

Yet he never shuts up about this matter. By guilt tripping me every time we speak he causes me a lot of anxiety and depression. He doesn't seem to get that by doing this I will only want to avoid speaking to him more and more. And by constantly getting me down he will only prevent me from getting on with my life (although he will refuse to accept any responsibility for this).

My father is also ashamed of me for being on a minimum wage job.

My friends really don't understand. They say "well we've all got family issues". But we weren't talking about you, we were talking about me.
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