Jul 25, 2007 20:06
I never had dreams. or at least I did have dreams, but I was never in them.
I remember being a child, Megan has such blond hair...maybe I was in love with her. We used to sit in the girl's bathroom at school and tell each other secrets. I don't know what kinds of secrets we had. I only had one and it happened so long ago, I'm not sure it's really true, but involved my parents garage and... It was in the same bathroom that I would try on my mother's stolen bra, it was already too small, I was 11.
We don't talk...we can't talk...she bought me my first bra, from jc penney's...through the mail. It just arrived one day and was given to me...mostly we are incomprehensible to each other.
I know I'm confusing...I'm confused...I think it's totally normal. Totally normal to sleep through three alarms. Sometimes I worry I feel too much guilt to ever be happy. that I'll roll over so much that I'll just roll off...
Her voice reminds me of wind in my hair...the car didn't have a tapedeck so i used to bring my walkman...and sig off key, so loud.
I called someone I did't even want to talk to, because I didn't want to talk about anything...I feel like I've talked and talked and talked...remember this is all so new to me.
I had a crush on a boy named mike, who I'd never met, but who used to get me through weeks and weeks of getting out of bed...or sometimes not. and I wish that I could remember how bad it was, I wish it didn't seem so simple.
I wish I had a home, didn't have to tread water.
I'm starting to think she was right about lust...
they call this catharsis.
mr. kate, the skate