i hate my life

Jan 28, 2006 18:18

i hate my life right now. actually i really hate this month. this month sucks really hard. i'm such a walking contradiction it makes me sick! i wish i knew what i wanted to be happy (nietzsche reference) but fuck!!! i don't!!!!!!!!! ugh i swear these essays are sucking the life out of me! i wish it was tuesday already so i would have gotten this essay over and done with! i hate my life i hate it absolutely. i'm angry all the time at everything. ugh i wish i wasn't but fuck fuck fuck. i'm not even coherent.

on a non-angry-teenage-angsty note....
this is the fruit of my 5 week labor with studio art... aka my existentialist painting

for all you 12th grade core kids and ex core kids, you tell me what it means. for everyone else, this is my writeup/explanation:

No One’s Watching

This painting is existential because of Sartre’s themes of the lover’s dilemma and voyeurism are expressed by the two people kissing and an outsider looking in. According to Sartre a love relationship is appealing in order to overcome the relationship with "the other." The problem with the other is that when I am aware of his presence I feel a sense of shame even though I’m not doing anything wrong. I would feel like an object in his eyes and that he’s taking away my freedom. To overcome the relationship with the other, if two people become so engrossed with each other then they become each others' world and justification for existence; he chose me as his one and only therefore I exist for a reason and visa versa. In a love relationship, people want their lover to be the ideal and objectify them to fit the ideal but they still want their lover to be free to choose them as the one and only. To avoid that problem, the lovers in the picture wear the cloth over their heads to forget about the other's existence as someone who can objectify him/her and allow for just the lust/kissing (the perfect relationship acc to Sartre) while still experiencing love in a sense. The outsider looking in is the lover’s worst nightmare; they wear the covering over their faces and dive into a love relationship to avoid the other and now someone is watching them kiss. The man looking in is a voyeur looking into a private life. He doesn’t want to be seen so he looks in through a keyhole while the lovers are thinking, ‘alas, no one’s watching.’

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