I don't care if you're a vegetarian or you eat meat like I do. Watching this video will turn your stomach. Is eating a fish that can kill you so important that you have to watch it flop around still trying to gasp for breath after it's face has been chopped off and it's body is being chopped to pieces?
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Second, do you know what the final conclusion was to the debate on if fish feel pain? I looked it up and I've seen believable answers for both sides... One theory is: Of course fish feel pain, its an evolutionary tactic to keep them alive.
The other theory is: No, the nervous system in a fish seems to suggest that they were not designed to feel pain.
I don't pretend to know which is correct, just that it seems that scientists are still on the fence about it. Though if I had to take a guess, I'm going to go with fish feel pain...
"I can say though, having known cattle farmers, that they are killed in about the most humane way possible of domestically raised animals for food. One airgun blast to the brain and they never knew what hit them"
In regards to this statement, its not true that 100% of all cattle farmers are good people, and second the air-gun dose not always work on the first try, which means the cow first endures a fractured skull before the killing blow or the blood letting if they choose that route instead. Theres also the thought that cows can smell death, and being trapped in the cattle chutes pinned against your brethren terrified and smelling death probably causes the same amount of trauma that the fish endured... Not to mention the way that some cattle are raised, have you been by Harris Ranch on I-5? Living in your own waste leads to all sorts of hoof diseases for cattle. There is also a ton of videos of horses going to their death the same way that cows go to theirs on u-tube. You can look them up if you want to see how it looks.
Once again, this is not an attack... Just a thought...
Personally... I feel its really not worth that much emotional energy and killing is killing... I don't believe its more evil to eat blowfish because we cut off its fins before its head no more then it is evil to eat cattle when we force them to live their lives penned up, depriving them of their natural eating habits, and living in their own waste.
Thankfully there are better farming practices that are being introduced into our culture currently (yay us!) and I can't wait for the day when all of our cattle are free to roam acres and acres of green pasture before their scheduled appointments. I am also sure that the fishing industry could use a little help too. Baby steps...
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