May 13, 2020 23:49
It's been a day. Somehow it's already heading towards midnight, and I've only just sat down to write something. I know, I know - I could scratch today, and write something later in the week - but then I started thinking "it migh tbe nice to write every other day"... and that's my slippery slope, right there. Within days I'll be writing every day again.
So what DID I do today ?
I scraped myself out of bed early this morning, retrieved my bike from the shed in the back garden, and set off to cycle a few miles around town. Along the way I reached a really rather ridiculous hill leading out of town, and thought to myself "I actually feel ok - I'll go up it". On reflection, this was a really stupid idea, and my lungs and legs still haven't forgiven me.
As I turned the pedals, eating up the tarmac, I could see a cyclist ahead of me on the hill. I kept my head down, and kept turning the pedals - slowly slipping backwards through the gears. I was gaining on him at quite a rate of knots, until I ran out of beans rather spectacularly. Still - thought I was doing remarkably well, and could have cheered when I saw him pull into a layby half-way up the hill. I pulled in behind him, and then realised he was just turning around - to go back towards town. He also looked as fresh as a daisy. And was about seventy years old. And I wanted to climb into a hole in the ground.
After a few moments catching my breath I continued on up the hill, with my legs slowly turning to rubber. The rest of the half-hour on the bike was remarkably easy after that - smiling at people as I passed them walking their dogs, as they no doubt thought "that idiot just cycled up the hill, didn't he" (it probably didn't help that I hadn't shaved either - so not only did I look like I might die at any moment, I also had pretty good caveman stubble going on)
While cycling through town, I was overtaken by two cyclists on racing bikes. I convinced myself they were only faster because they were on racing bikes (I was on my commuting bike) - even though they were probably ten years old than me. I started grinning at my own idiocy, and before I knew it arrived back at home.
It's the effort that counts, right ?
After a shower, a shave, a round or two of marmite on toast, and a coffee, I settled into the work day, and sat through a number of Zoom and Teams meetings. For the record, I think Zoom works far better than Teams, even though I'm not supposed to say that.
This evening has been all about updating my eldest daughter's computer, teaching her how to use the terminal in Linux, and installing Steam for her. Fingers crossed the computer keeps working - it wasn't doing a very good job of it earlier this evening.
Ah crap. It's almost midnight already. I wonder if we have any cereal left? I need the energy for the morning - the PLAN is to do the next Couch to 5K run with ALL THREE daughters. It remains to be seen if they will all get up.