A post.........in a white picket fence..

Dec 31, 2008 21:19

First of yes im still alive. Though some times i feel like im not.

Since end of uni for the year, and the departure of some friends from the scene, ive been working, and working a lot, and a lot and a lot.

So here is a update, while not in cronologiccal order, it basically is a catch up for those not in the primordial loop.

I PAST UNI. That's right, i passed all papers and completed my Postgraduate Diploma (endorsed in Bioethics) yay me. Got 2 B's so it wasnt a the best of a year but C+ 1 point short of a B- isnt a B :(. So i dont know what im going to do for next year, which (to me any way) is a big deal. It has been almost 5 years where i didnt have the thought in my head where or what i wanted to do. That being i had just been made redundant from being a graphics designer, in a nice paying ob for a 20 year old and didnt know what to do, hence me coming to uni to do my Bsc in Microbiology since sciences have always intersted me. But apon finishing it ive come to enjoy philosophy more than that of the sciences, while i still love the ideas and the marvels of science, i didnt want to be stuck in a lab, with no real tangiable thing to show for. This of course lead me into this years study in Bioethics, where we merge science with ethics (which is my favourate phil next to the concept and ethics of time travel)

So i have no idea what i want to do apart from a tangable idea attached to that of the ehicis of a time traveling man, the mingling of phil and science and the ethics assocated with PGD (somthing that im pasionate about considering its uses). so im kind of lost and losing my self kind of takes that fear for a better word in what im now ment to do do (for the rest of my life maybe......) So any adivce would be appreciated, though bear in mind it is advice im after, i have to come to the decision for my self in the end. But enough of that, on to other things.

We still have another room aviable for some one that we know (or maybe know) or if any one knows of some one who is looking. May have to fill it soon or we maybe moving if we cant rent the room our selfs (that we we can sublet to some one and not stress about filling it as some one leaves) so if any one know or is keen pleas let me know soon ish, though if we move we will prob get a 3-4 bedroom place and then rent out maybe 2 rooms, but we will see. If any ones keen let me know.

Me and my partner have decided that we are going to be saving really hard this year to save for a deposit to get our own house so we are going to be kind of frugal this year, and its one of our new years resalutions to do this and while not an easy thing now dayl, the idea is there as well as the will so ill report back on this later on, and update if u will.

For the Gamers, FALLOUT 3 is the shizz, and i think it will only go from strength to strength with the more content they will add. The geck is mindmumbling hard to understand and use, which from Besutha it dosnt supprise. Ive been playing Dead Space on my xbox360 the past few days (my christmas present i buy my self) and thats been like a resident evil in space. But one thing has dawned on me, that if you have ever played System Shock 1, mainly 2 you will all most feel like your playing an updated version of this, even the names ring abell, the way every thing is feels system shock, which is great cause i love the game but i dont know. I rekon the desigeners were eather ex-looking glass emplyoees, or they loved the game so much they wanted to recreate it in a different form. Bioshock, the sequal to System shock is ausome and lived up to expectations as well. If you havnt played it i rekon you should, or watch some one play it, you will fall in love with it, much like those watching fallout 3 as well i assume.

And finally, Iron maiden, coming to chch. shame i cant afford to go, but atleat they are coming.

As for new years resalutions as its the eve of a new year, i have a couple. first is to actually write more. ive got the bug and i want to write more on any thing. setting side time i think may be the key i think so this is what i need to do. others are resultions i make every year are the same, do better than last year in studys, try and save more etc etc.

Any way that is a short update that dosnt include christmas, and ill leave it at that.

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