Jul 07, 2010 02:34
yes i am still about, be it under a rock called indecision, Ive been losing my self in fantasy worlds of L.E Modesitt JR.
I'm still about on campus though I'm not sure why with the closure of the Design department, and possibly the lack of my BA in Design.
I'm thinking of adding a BA in English but the lack of interesting papers make it terribly dull.....
I'm also considering info science papers (esp database ones) as i seem to be getting asked to create databases for people even though I'm not a database guy...seems easy enough, lets see where this will head.
If any ones looking for a Unemployed Designer, with a degree in microbiology, minor in genetics and a post-grad in bioethics, who dabbles theoretical genetic design, plz by all means give them my number, I'm more than happy to talk to them esp if they like to hear about my concepts for revolutionary radical bio mechanical tool boxes.
and where is every one hanging out these days, LJ seems so dead and i refuse to get a face book account............DAM U FARMVILE TO HELL!