College Thus Far

Aug 31, 2007 14:40

I feel the need to comment on my life in college thus far, but I really don't know what to say.

A few things I can say:
-Books are fucking expensive
-I have a buttload of reading to do.
-I have a smaller school than pretty much everyone else yet I still don't recognize most people.
-My advisor is one fucking hard person to track down.
-I still haven't done laundry. Hahahahaha.
-My roommate thinks she gets to use my Ethernet cable because she moved her desk. Nope!
-Why do I always get the class/happening that causes me to miss a meal? I haven't eaten in the cafeteria in almost a week. I've only been here for ten days!
-I rather enjoy being within biking distance of a LOT of major things.
-Sarasota is a BEAUTIFUL city to drive through.
-I can't wait to hit the beach. Seriously. I might do that tonight, regardless of if I can find someone to go with me or not.
-The sunsets here are to die for.
-The fact that I'm within <5 minutes on a bike of water basically makes my day everyday.
-I like looking out my classroom window and seeing palm trees.
-I really like the people here, in general. Everyone's almost always nice, but not in a creepy way. It's nice in a wave-as-you-pass,-regardless-if-you-know-each-other-or-not way. At first, I thought it was odd, but I do it too, now.
-Everyone is VERY intelligent here. It is SUCH a perk.
*Finding books suck
*And even from 1000 miles away, my dad is still an asshole.

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