Jan 14, 2010 10:31
Found out late last night that my mom is moving down south at the end of February to help her sister take care of my grandparents. Also found out that her current job cut her hours down to 12/week as a possible means of getting her to leave the job without having to pay unemployment. My brother is none too happy about the situation since he's been living with her but I guess he's just going to have to deal with the experience of having the rug pulled out from under him. Now he and dad will have to settle their differences and come to some sort of truce. Or he'll learn to get his own apartment, one of the two.
In other news, I rebooted the dating process this past weekend. My 2010 New Year's resolution is to put my money where my mouth is so barring any serial killer background or really awful date(s), I'm going to see this whole thing through. I've already went on two dates with the same guy and there are plans in the works for another one this weekend. Since I'm not at all certain about anything, I've been looking for clues in Lhasa songs and coming up empty handed. Looks like I need to go make some answers.
Post-Script 1/18/10: Had a wonderful time on Sunday. If this keeps up, I'm sunk.
the meaning of life,
when my lifetime had just ended,