(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 00:19

Reading some of your journals, most all of you make me sick.

TO dislike someone else because of past fights is one thing. In fact, I think that that is fine.

But to go so far as to make remarks about them that seem to exclude them as people, people you maybe HATE, but people still, who deserve some compassion, not pity, but at least...a chance to live their lifes without being treated like utter shit...

You wind up making them feel worse than they ever made you feel. BUt that's the reason I'm sick.

Because that's what you WANT.
That's PATHETIC. Twisted, and awful, and most of all, completely immature.

Some of you are almost or are adults. Most of you. You don't act like it. When things are said that don't have to be said, and are said only because YOU know that those things are the things that would hurt them...

I don't get it. I mean, you can hate your fellow man, I hate some myself.

But fucking god, do you have to be worse than them?
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