Dec 08, 2005 20:20
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
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1) It sounds kind of corny and cliché, but I seriously try to make everyday the happiest, if not the happiest then the greatest, day of my life, for no other reason than that each day serves as the sum total of every other happy day/moment of my life. It is my choice whether I will live up to the same potential and learn and grow from my daily experiences. By choosing the attitude by which I will confront the day's challenges and by not permitting myself to see those challenges as a deterrent or an impediment to my happiness, I am better able to learn, grow and bring happiness to others' lives.
2) The saddest day of my life....Realizing that I had just experienced a taste of love and could never hold on to that moment forever. Looking back, I am not bitter and have grown, as I mentioned earlier, but there's always a pang that such elation can last but so long. Searching for that love again brings it's own pain and yearning, and learning patience can seem painful, but in the long run, looking at the big picture, it will be so worth it. I guess it was the saddest day because I had never felt so empty after feeling so full. Before the day's end, however, I had realized that the residue was sustaining me and would drive me to continue my search.
3) The answer to this question has to do with the answer from the last. I believe we take a little from everyone we meet, whether bad or good. We are a reflection and a synthesis of those by which we surround ourselves. Thus, I try to project myself as someone loving, understanding, interested, open and selfless. I have had some wonderful examples of these qualities throughout my life, and continue to gratefully experience their lives, not the least of whom are my parents, but the person who has had the most profound impact on my life in a dramatic way is the paradigm of all of those characteristics. The most amazing thing is that I have only met this person less than a year ago. At one point, they were the only thing that occupied my mind, literally. My body still tingles at the thought of them. I still get the same sickning curdling of nerves and quickening of my heart when I see them. My hands are sweating typing this. My soul yearns for someone like them. See, that's the thing. I will never know this person like I once did, and that's okay, really, because they are happy. So am I. The only difference is that I continue to look for something greater. It's out there. Part of my yearning is the anticipation of finding something that IS GREATER than what I have ever known. I don't live a life of regret nor do I live my life in the past. Hope and faith sustain me. Grace permits me persevere.
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