Like most folks, I have two Christmas lists in my head. One, suitable for friends and family, reasonable of scope and price. (Mostly books and videos, to feed, or dull, my brain as necessary.) Occasionally something quixotic, like I get a total kick out of the Nerf N-Strike Longshot (go figure); but generally my needs are fairly simple. An entire bookcase or two at Barnes and Noble would be adequate. Finding a supplier for Takara plum wine in this beknighted part of New York would be a God-send.
The *other* list, well, that's different.
As I'm sure it is for most people. What follows is the list of things I'd indulge in, had I the financial resources to do so; that list of desires (not all of which are necessarily material; but this is...thus far, a family-friendly journal
) which I have no expectation of fulfilling; but is still fun to contemplate, such as:
A 1965 Mustang, a Browning Hi-Power ('course I'd have to get my pistol permit first; a daunting task given the capricious nature with which they are issued in this state), a full suit of European plate (complete with globose breastplate and pig-face bascinet); an FN P-90 (any weapon SG-1 carries works for me, though I'm not sure if the zat'ni'katel falls under NYS handgun laws...'course, actually *inventing* it would be useful); a replacement Japanese harness, list-legal of course (properly laced haramaki do would be nice); and an another flight in a 4th generation fighter jet. Trips to Japan, the Great Wall of China, and to view "The School of Athens" in person would all be nice too...:)
Neither list is by any means complete, but then neither list is by any means a plea. The videos and books "jones" will be satisified shortly. The rest is idle thought for that day when I win the lottery.
Merry Christmas one and all!