While I didn't do much more than hold stuffed bunnies hostage in a vain attempt to get promoted to Lieutenant Colonel; I did serve for a bit. Whether that was noble, selfish, or I was just a "tool of the man" is a decision the external observer will make based on his/her beliefs, knowledge, and priorities.
I don't expect paeans of praise, and I've actually always been a bit uncomfortable (...it does feel good, but still makes me squirm...) being "thanked" for my service. I served for many reasons, the ones I enlisted for changed and evolved through the years. But I came to believe I was giving myself to some ideals, to something larger than myself, and that it was worth it.
Still and all, not many choose to serve. For all those who came before me. or are retired like me: Thank you. Regardless of *your* reasons, you stood the line for a time. Whether you were shot at or not, whether you deployed or not, you gave some of your life away willingly.
To those of you still in uniform, especially in harm's way as I write this...YOU should get the "thank you's."
I offer the following for a chuckle, some photos from my service. The first three are in my role as an "elite SAC-trained killer" whose primary duties were staring up the ass-end of an FB-111. The last two were my backseat ride in an F-16 (damn near better than sex...I'm tellin' ya...).
1. Obligatory "Sky Cop" Photo 2. For those who keep track, 3. Crowd Control for a Thunderbirds Demo
that is an M-60
4. Pre-launch with Capt Greg 4. F-16D ride over Germany in 1992
Lord help me, I'd do it all again.
Carry On.