Circulated on behalf of
amandarant ***pour une version francaise contactez***
I am writing an article about the ways in which we need to develop a more compassionate and cohesive strategy for dealing with what is commonly termed "mental health issues" in our communities. The original proposal for the article is below. Right now, I am looking for people to respond to a questionnaire over email about your experiences. Please read further for more information or write to me at with questions or to participate.
There are 2 parts, the first would be closed-ended questions about what you experience/how you situate yourself within a mental health discourse and the second would be more open-ended questions relating to what you have needed or been able to provide for people struggling with mental health and in/sanity and what you think could be or needs to be done to build a more sustainable supportive community or network.
I am asking people to respond to either part or both, and you could opt out of any questions you wanted to.
Nothing on email is 100% secure but to the best of my ability i will keep your participation and responses completely confidential. Any responses in French will need to be translated but will be done without your name or contact info associated with it, by someone who will also commit to absolute confidentiality. Anonymous responses are welcome. I will under no circumstances disclose the names or contacts of anyone who participated, or any identifying facts or features, without explicit consent from the person/people involved. I will transfer responses to a file that doesn’t associate directly to your name, email or contact info. The survey will ask permission to maintain a system for reassociating your contact info with your questionnaire in the event that i want to ask permission to follow up with you specifically. If you decline permission, I will remove any way of associating your contact info with your answers.
This is not rigorous research and not supervised by anyone else; i have no formal training in research methods and do not have any criteria for participation other than self-selection.
At the moment, i want to use these responses as indications of the
realities of people in left-libertarian scenes in an article i am writing
for perspectives. i hope to do public talks and more writing in the
Contact me for a copy of the article proposal
Thanks very much for your time. I can be contacted at